
Saturday, 24 January 2015

Two Cards...

I was asked to create a birthday card for a young teenage girl who liked sewing, netball and academics. I decided to go down the sewing lane for the basis for the card, after creating the first I decided it looked to grown up for a thirteen year old and opted to make a second card which was gratefully received...

 I folded the dress from a pattern in the Papercraft Inspirations Magazine issue 129 (September 2014) and printed a dress-makers mannequin digi from Carmen at beyondthefringecrafts the background papers are from Amy Tangerine ready set go pack which I picked up at Spotlight on special for $10 sometime last year, the shelf was a scrap of paper leftover from a magazine and the dress was made with Echo Park Dots essentials.

This card was created using up many different papers from many different sets, some bought like the larger heart shape others are from various papercraft magazines. I have made friends with one of the local newsagents and he regularly supplies me with leftover cover gifts rather than them going to waste, I keep some and share the others. The canvas heart was blanket stitched with blue thread both kindly donated to  my stash by my local newsagent.

Thanks for looking in...

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